Benicia Chapter Information


Fall rehearsals start Tuesday September 17th at 7:00 PM at St. Paul’s.

Rehearsals are held Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 PM, in the Sanctuary at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 120 E. J Street x First St., Benicia

View/download a printable copy of the 2024-2025 schedule for Sets 1 and 2! Tentative dates for Sets 3 and 4 are now added as well. CURRENT AS OF 2/9/2025

Benicia Chapter Participation Fees

The Benicia Chapter participation fee is $110 per set, which covers all rehearsals and performances.

Payment Options
Who are you paying dues for?

You may pay your fee by one of the following methods:

  • Bring a check made out to “Golden Gate Symphony” to rehearsal

  • Mail a check to:
    717 Hampshire Street, San Francisco, CA 94110

  • Pay online using the PayPal buttons to the right

Thank You!

Discount Codes:

Reminder about the discount codes your friends and family can use to attend our concerts at a reduced cost!

50% for family members (using code: orchestra)

10% off for Students/seniors (on the City Box Office website there’s a dropdown on the payment screen)